SAT & ACT Tutoring – Test Preparation & Tutoring
We help students excel at standardized tests.
Students often regard standardized testing as one of the most frustrating and time-consuming elements of the college admissions process. However, with the right preparation and study with SAT and ACT tutors, your student can sit down for either or both the ACT and SAT with confidence in their performance.
College Test Preparation & Tutoring
We like to remind students that their test score is ultimately just one part of the overall picture of who they are and what they bring to a college program. However, they do want to score as high as they can—and the tests may be less complicated than they assume. We frequently remind students that these tests cover skills and concepts they’ve learned and re-learned over the past twelve years of their education. With the help of SAT and ACT tutors, students can build confidence and approach college test preparation with a clear understanding of what to expect.

Targeted Test Prep & Tutoring for Students
Opus helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses in specific areas of the test. In many cases, it’s too simplistic to say, “I’m better at language than math.” Someone may be fully prepared to take on algebra equations but less confident with a data analysis question. We look at a subject area and identify very precise gaps in a student’s practice or understanding.
From there, we ensure these gaps become the focus of their subsequent study and preparation. Your student’s standardized test tutor will help them craft a study plan that culminates in a formal practice test — and, finally, the test itself. We want to guarantee there will be no concept on the test that your student will not have previously encountered in some form. Additionally, SAT & ACT tutors cover strategies for pacing themselves during the test, how to approach each section, and how to maintain their focus and calm throughout.